Off-Grid Solar

Off-grid system systems supply electricity to properties not connected to the public electricity grid or where access to other utilities may be limited or expensive.

In an off-grid solar system, the photovoltaic panels generate high voltage DC power which is either fed directly into storage batteries or run through an inverter to be converted to 240V AC power.

If your system produces more power than you can consume, the surplus is stored in a bank of rechargeable batteries located on your property. Once the battery bank is full, it will stop receiving power from the solar system.

When your solar cells are not generating power, such as at night or on cloudy days, your appliances will draw power from the batteries.

Most off-grid systems also need a backup power source, such as a generator, for times of the year when the batteries might be low on charge.

There are often state and federal government financial incentives for purchasing an off-grid solar power system, making the initial purchase price even more enticing.

Benefits of Off-Grid Solar

  • Generate, store and use your solar electricity

  • End your reliance on utility companies and networks

  • Reduce your need for fossil fuel-driven energy

  • Off-grid systems can be installed virtually anywhere

  • Encourages users to use energy wisely to conserve power

  • Cheaper than connecting electricity to an unpowered property

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